So today was the day George W. Bush was invited to Calgary to speak to the Chamber of Commerce (the same people that invited Bill Clinton). Now I don't really care if you like or hate George W. he is an unemployed former politician that was in charge of a country for 8 years during one of the hardest times in the world for a very long time.
I personally don't care for the man but then again I never met him so who am I or you to say what he is really like. Yes there are video's of him being a moron and saying stupid things but hey if camera's were on us as much as they were on him I am sure we would say stupid things too. The problem I have is the 100 or so moron's that went to downtown Calgary to protest this man and call him things like war criminal. I find these people are the really stupid ones. War criminals would be the people who are kidnapping our soldiers and aid workers and beheading them. I am sorry that not everyone captured by the US was treated with kid gloves and given a fair trial in a timely fashion but really when you protest Bush calling him a war criminal you are siding with these people that are the true criminals.
With the world in as bad shape as it is (which I am sure many of these protestors blame Bush for the entire world market crashing), I personally think there are better things to do than to protest an unemployed politician who never really thought for himself.
If anyone honestly really thinks the Bush is to blame for everything in the world then perhaps Darwin needs to step up and remove them from the food chain as they really prove that they are no smarter than the man that they hate and despise so much.
If you look back in history, look at the things that have happened during wars like World War 1 and 2. Do you call the russian leaders at the time War criminals? They shot and killed their own men as well as enemy troops. 15-20% of POW's died of starvation in World War 1. How about the US rounding up Japanese and German descendants and putting them in war camps in the US during World War2? Was the president at the time a war criminal?
As I said before I am in no means a supporter of Bush or what the US GOVERNMENT has done with the war in Iraq but for people to think it was ll Bush and to say he is evil incarnate really need to give their head a shake. Wake up, look at the real world and try to do things to make the world a better place and I don't mean by protesting an idiot retired politician.