Today's blog is all about a news story I just watched tonight about a court ruling in the states that said there was no link between the Autism Spectrum and vaccinations.
I have no problem with people looking to find the reason for diseases but the only reason these people are looking at vaccinations as the cause is so they can sue someone. If 1 in 160 children have some form of the Autism Spectrum can you really say that something all 160 kids get is the cause of it? They also say that Autism is on the rise since vaccinations have started? Really since Autism and the spectrum is a fairly new diagnoses of course it's on the rise because before they lumped everyone into the same category as Mentally Retarded. Now they actually have created more defined reasonings for things so with every new discovery it will automatically cause it to increase in numbers.
I am all for finding reasons for disease so we can cure it but as I have a child in the Autism Spectrum, I personally think that is a hereditary type disease and not caused by anything given to the child. I am also working on dealing with it and getting him the help he needs not trying to find someone to sue, which is what all parents should be doing.
Today's society is to set in trying to find someone to blame instead of looking for solutions or ways to make the world a better place. Instead of suing everyone for every stupid little problem or finding someone to blame for nature, or an accident. Grow up, learn to live with it and make the best of the way life is.
I personally would not change anything with my son, he is loving, affectionate, and very unique in the way he looks at the world. It makes me look at things differently and brings a smile to my face when I am with him. Yes things are sometimes difficult and frustrating, but we are grownups and we learn to deal with the problems in life instead of looking to blame someone.
This was an episode of Private Practice recently. Interesting how art follows life, or is it the other way around?