With most places in Canada finishing off city elections and the US voting in a fairly major election today I thought this was a good time to post my thoughts on the political landscape.
When growing up, I never really heard my parents talk politics and I was always told you always avoid talking politics and religion in a gathering unless you were looking to start a fight.
With the Internet age happening now and everyone looking for an outlet for their thoughts as well as always looking to become more informed I find that taboo is not really around anymore. Everyone loves to talk politics and for the most part people are fairly civil even if they are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I personally feel a healthy discussion keeps everyone informed and makes you rethink why you are voting for one person over another and gives you a more informed decision.
Now with that being said you have to watch the people that are at the extreme ends of the political spectrum whether it be Left or Right. The people at the extremes will always feel they are right and will only push their agenda and do not want to hear yours. This is where you will get nothing but arguments and will frustrate yourself and them. I would suggest avoiding them.
I am going to precede my next thoughts with saying I think it is every persons duty to go and vote, we live in a free society where we are not pressured to accept one way of thinking or another and we have the ability to make a decision and should vote the person we feel will do the best for our City, Province/State, Country. The people that do not vote and then complain piss me off more than those at the extremes and are pushing an agenda. At least they are outspoken and they vote for what they believe in.
That being said, voting for one politician over another will very seldom ever change anything because although we think that if we change the Mayor, Governor, Premier, President, Prime Minister or which ever head you are voting for that it will indeed change anything we are sadly mistaken. In most political arena's the politicians, although the face of the government, don't actually do a whole lot. The bureaucrats that we never voted for, never see and would never know are the ones that actually carry out the day to day activities of the government and most times tell the elected official what is happening and what to say. If we truly want a change we need to elect a person that will take on these bureaucrats head on and heaven forbid be willing to fire them if they refuse to do things that will actually help make the changes that they are sent in to make.
These are just my opinions and I know many people believe differently, that is what makes politics great, everyone can have an opinion and can share it to the world if they want. The one thing I ask though is that you take your opinion out to the polls and vote every time there is an election no matter what is going in your life because only the people that vote can truly make a difference.
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